
条码标签打印 BarTender Enterprise 2022 R8 11.3.216048 x64

BarTender 可以说是一个超级强大的条码标签打印软件,现在很多商品上面都会有二维码这就让很多大型企业小型企业都会使用到条码标签打印软件,BarTender可以说是企业的首选,BarTender作为专业的条码标签打印软件,它的功能一直在改进和增强,尤其在标签、条形码、证卡和RFID 标记的设计和打印领域,应用十分广泛。

BarTender® 企业自动化版

BarTender® 企业自动化版专为需要与打印环境进行完全连接和控制的企业而设计,旨在提供最强大的功能合集,包括与 SAP 和 Oracle 的集成,以及集中管理打印、安全和管理。


BarTender 企业自动化版可扩展最复杂的打印环境,具有无与伦比的企业系统连通性,以及对完整设计和打印系统的可靠控制。


BarTender 的全面控制功能使得企业能够跨站点和区域,对其设计和打印操作进行集中监视、管理和保护。

使用 Librarian 优化工作流程

BarTender Librarian 使人数众多的设计师、管理员和其他用户能够共同合作,安全地管理标签格式及其他文件的存储和修订。Librarian 可帮助您更好地管理任何标签打印系统,尤其在监管程度很高的环境(如医疗和医药)和安全程度很高的环境(如军事和化学)中更具价值。


使用 BarTender Integration Builder,您可以创建高度可定制的集成,以将 BarTender 的打印功能与几乎所有企业业务运营无缝连接。此强大的服务使您能够执行企业级任务,包括:

  • 在“触发”事件(如收到电子邮件、保存文件或修改数据库)时自动启动打印。
  • 通过 TCP/IP、UDP 或 HTTP 与客户建立连接和通信。
  • 执行基本的文件操作,如移动、重命名、删除或复制。
  • 凭借对 SAP、Oracle 或 IBM WebSphere 连通性的直接支持,实现直接与 ERP 系统集成。

具有 Intelligent Templates 实现无与伦比的多功能性和控制

BarTender 企业自动化版提供 BarTender 所有强大却易于使用的设计功能,包括独有的 Intelligent TemplatesTM:

  • 利用根据条件打印,通过单一设计,制作各式各样的标签,而无需再对每一个标签维护一个文档的问题感到头痛。
  • 根据单个数据源或数据库字段或者根据多个条件,指示模板、图层,甚至个别对象何时打印,轻松支持复杂的打印方案,一切都不需要编写脚本。
  • 锁定强制性内容,以便其他设计人员无法对其进行更改。
  • 将内容打印到安全证卡的特定面板上,包括单色黑、紫外荧光和叠加面板。
  • 让 BarTender 的智能向导带领您完成关键的设计决策,以最大程度改善打印性能并符合重要的标准。
  • 使用自己的字体或内置于打印机的字体。
  • 无论是简单的序列号还是复杂的自定义序列化序列,都可以轻松生成。
  • 使用富文本格式,以任何方式格式化文本。
  • 使用高质量图像处理控件,增强导入的图形,包括亮度、对比度、饱和度、色调、锐度、平滑度和剪裁。
  • 通过导入旧的设计作为指引,轻松重新制作旧的标签。
  • 链接到外部图形,以启用动态更改。

经过 SAP 认证、Oracle 验证

使用户能够从 SAP、Oracle 和其他业务系统,打印标签以及执行其他任务,而无需了解 BarTender 在执行打印。



Visual Basic Script Editor 以实现轻松管理

VB Script Editor 可以让您轻松在文档中实现不同脚本的导航浏览;在编写自己的代码时,访问受支持的代码片段为您提供帮助;访问特定于应用程序的 VB 脚本对象、属性和函数等。


  • 通过让 BarTender 从 SAP 和 Oracle 系统、Excel 文件、文本文件和各种数据库拉出数据,最大程度减少打印时数据输入。或者,设计自己的表单,以在打印时轻松输入数据。
  • 从专用的 Print Station 界面,轻松选择、预览和打印标签和证卡。
  • 以单一批次,打印多个标签格式,无论是从 BarTender、Print Station 还是 Windows 资源管理器。
  • 打印到任何真正的 Windows 打印机驱动程序,并使用免费的 Drivers by Seagull,利用标签和证卡打印机的特殊功能,以获得优化的性能。


我们的全球办公室可共同对所有 BarTender 版本提供每工作日每天 24 小时的免费电话和电子邮件支持。

BarTender® Enterprise Automation Edition
Software to create and automate labels, barcodes and more

Designed for businesses that require complete connectivity and control of their printing environment, the BarTender® Enterprise Automation Edition delivers our most powerful collection of features, including integration with SAP and Oracle, mobile printing from iOS and Android devices, and centralized management of printing, security and administration.

The most powerful software for your most demanding requirements

BarTender Enterprise Automation extends even the most complex printing environments with unrivaled connectivity to business systems and reliable control of the complete design and printing system.

Centralized control for efficiency and confidence

BarTender’s comprehensive control features enable enterprises to centrally monitor, manage and secure their design and printing operations across sites and continents.

Librarian for optimized work flow

BarTender Librarian allows large groups of designers, administrators and other users to cooperatively and securely manage the storage and revision of label formats and other files. Librarian can help you to better manage any label printing system, and is particularly valuable in highly regulated environments, such as medical and pharmaceutical, and highly secure environments, such as military and chemical.

Integration with existing business systems

BarTender Integration Builder allows you to create highly customizable integrations to seamlessly connect BarTender’s printing capabilities with virtually any enterprise business operation. This powerful service lets you perform enterprise-level tasks, including:

  • Initiate printing automatically at “trigger” events, such as the arrival of an e-mail, a saved file or a modified database.
  • Connect to and communicate with clients via TCP/IP, UDP or HTTP.
  • Perform basic file operations, such as move, rename, delete or copy.
  • Integrate directly with ERP systems with direct support for SAP, Oracle or IBM WebSphere connectivity.

Print Portal App for printing from any iOS or Android device

Whether you use a smartphone or tablet, the BarTender Print Portal App works with the BarTender Enterprise Automation Edition to let you easily choose label designs, complete print-time data forms and launch print jobs to any printer on the internet — all with strong security.

Intelligent Templates for unmatched versatility and control

BarTender Enterprise Automation offers all of BarTender’s powerful yet easy-to-use design features, including our exclusive Intelligent TemplatesTM:

  • Leverage conditional printing to create a wide variety of labels from a single design, without the headache of maintaining a separate document for each label.
  • Easily support complex printing scenarios by telling templates, layers and even individual objects when to print based on a single data source or database field, or based on multiple conditions — all without scripting.
  • Lock mandatory content so it cannot be changed by other designers.
  • Print content to specific panels of security cards, including monochrome black, UV fluorescing, and overlay panels.
  • Let BarTender’s smart wizards guide you through critical design decisions to maximize your printing performance and compliance with important standards.
  • Use your own fonts or those built into the printer.
  • Generate anything from simple serial numbers to advanced custom serialization sequences.
  • Format text any way you want with Rich Text formatting.
  • Enhance imported graphics with high-quality image-processing controls, including brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, sharpness, smoothing and cropping.
  • Recreate legacy labels easily by importing old designs to use as a guide.
  • Link to external graphics to enable dynamic changes.

SAP certified, Oracle validated

Empower users to print labels and more from within SAP, Oracle and other business systems without ever knowing that BarTender is doing the printing.

Browser-based interfaces for easy deployment and printing over networks

Extend your printing infrastructure beyond the firewall by enabling users to choose designs, complete print-time data forms and launch print jobs to any printer on the internet with just a few clicks from any browser.

Visual Basic Script Editor for easy management

The VB Script Editor enables you to easily navigate between different scripts in your document; access supported code snippets to help you when writing your own code; access application-specific VB Script objects, properties and functions; and more.

Enterprise-strength printing flexibility

  • Minimize print-time data entry by letting BarTender pull data from SAP and Oracle systems, Excel files, text files and a wide variety of databases. Or design your own forms for entering data easily at print time.
  • Easily select, preview and print labels and cards from a dedicated Print Station interface.
  • Print multiple label formats as a single batch, whether from BarTender, the Print Station or even the Windows Explorer.
  • Print to any true Windows printer driver, and use our free Drivers by Seagull to leverage the special features of label and card printers for optimal performance.

Free support whenever and wherever you need it

Our global offices combine to provide free phone and e-mail support for all BarTender editions 24 hours a day, every business day.

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条码标签打印 BarTender Enterprise 2022 R8 11.3.216048 x64

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文章名称:《条码标签打印 BarTender Enterprise 2022 R8 11.3.216048 x64》


评论 1



  1. #0
    Microsoft Edge 17 Microsoft Edge 17 Windows 10 Windows 10

    BarTender条码标签打印软件2016 r7安装不上,出现the File ‘batchmaker.exe’ is not marked for installation ,请问有什么方法解决谢谢!

    xuehua_1636年前 (2018-07-17)


