Adobe RoboHelp 是一款功能非常强大且操作简单使用方便的帮助文件制作软件,它的出现,推动了网页设计的发展,已成为网页开发设计的标准,使web开发人员在HTML网页制作方面变得更加容易。该软件其功能强大而又直观,可以轻松高效地开发帮助系统,电子学习内容,政策,程序和知识库 可用于开发帮助系统、电子教学内容、知识库以及方案和步骤。并且还能通过软件自带的内容编辑功能,完成更好的布局创建,格式化和搜索功能,从而制作出一个令人满意的帮助文件,帮助用户对产品进行更好的理解和掌握。
除此之外,Adobe RoboHelp 为您提供了多种网站布局,配色方案和高级视觉编辑器,同时为您提供了所有必要的工具,可以轻松进行拖放来自定义每个页面的视觉外观,为你带来良好的用户体验。拥有增强的编辑和布局功能使您能够创建引人入胜的交互式内容并发布到多个渠道,以实现全面的在线和离线用户体验,可以让团队高效地协作处理任何规模的项目。允许您创建,设计和交付帮助,策略和知识库内容, 使用重新构想的用户界面,您可以更快地工作。
An all-new way to create for you.
An amazing experience for your customers.
Smarter Adobe RoboHelp. More productive you.
Deliver exceptional Help, policy and knowledgebase content with the 2019 release of Adobe RoboHelp. Create media-rich experiences using HTML5 and CSS3. Customize layouts and templates with a powerful CSS and skin editor. Publish content as Responsive HTML5, PDF, Mobile App and much more to serve customers across all touchpoints. Personalize experiences using Dynamic Content Filters. Transform the way customers search with a new algorithm, search autocomplete and autocorrect. Collaborate using Git, SharePoint Online and more.
Reimagine content creation
Work faster with a powerful, reimagined user interface. Create media-rich experiences using HTML5 and CSS3 authoring support. Import high quality SVGs that seamlessly scale across web and print. With a powerful CSS editor, you can easily customize layouts in real-time. Smoothly import Word files with enhanced image and style handling.
Any device, format or platform. Discover limitless publishing.
Exceed customer expectations with highly personalized, rewarding content experiences. Easily customize templates with the new skin editor. Publish content as Responsive HTML5, PDF, Mobile App and much more to serve customers across all touchpoints. Make search easier for your customers with a new algorithm, search autocomplete and autocorrect. Take personalization to the next level with Dynamic Content Filters.
Infinite possibilities to collaborate smarter and faster
Bring distributed teams together to achieve content brilliance and faster go-to-market. Instantly connect with leading collaboration platforms like Git and SharePoint Online. Connect to any other source control by building customizations using a new plug-and-play architecture.
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帮助文件制作 Adobe RoboHelp 2022.1 for Windows x64