
心理与行为实验 E-Prime 1.0正式版+2.0试用版+E-Prime试用版

美国PST公司开发的 E-Prime 软件是一套针对心理与行为实验的计算机化的实验设计、生成和运行软件。
E-Prime 可以让您在设计实验时,只需选取所需的实验功能图标,然后把图标用鼠标拖动到实验程序内,就能在很短的时间内建立复杂的实验程序。用 E-Prime 设计并运行的实验,其刺激呈现及反馈信号的时间精度达到了毫秒。

E-Prime 能呈现的刺激可以是文本、图像、视频和声音(可以呈现多种刺激的任意组合),提供了详细的时间信息和事件细节(包括呈现时间、反应时间、按键值等),可导出为文本格式的原始数据供进一步分析。 E-Prime 易学易用,功能强大,实验生成快速且精确。

E-Prime 2.0 版特点:

提高了位图(*.bmp )转换的显示速度
支持万国码(UNICODE )及国际字体
支持功能性磁共振成像技术 fMRI
可以与 Tobii 眼动追踪系统结合使用


E-Basic:语法结构类似于Visual Basic的脚本语言,可实现某些E-Studio不易实现的非标准化操作。

E-Prime 3.0专业版,有以下额外功能:


E-Prime® is the most comprehensive software available for behavioral research. Build your own experiments using E-Prime’s easy-to-use graphical interface. Design, collect, and analyze data – all within a few hours! With more than 100,000 users in research institutions and laboratories in over 60 countries, E-Prime is the world-leading behavioral experiment software. E-Prime provides a truly easy-to-use environment for computerized experiment design, data collection, and analysis. E-Prime provides millisecond precision timing to ensure the accuracy of your data. E-Prime’s flexibility to create simple to complex experiments is ideal for both novice and advanced users.

The E-Prime suite of applications includes:

  • E-Studio – Drag and drop graphical interface for experiment design.
  • E-Basic – Underlying scripting language of E-Prime (nearly identical to Visual Basic for Applications™).
  • E-Run – Once experiment design is complete, a single mouse click generates it into an E-Basic script. E-Run then affords you the millisecond precision of stimulus presentation, synchronizations, and data collection.
  • E-Merge – Quickly and easily combines your single session data files for group analysis.
  • E-DataAid – Data management utility that allows you to filter, edit, analyze, and export your data.
  • E-Recovery – Recovers data files in the event of early terminated experiments, or lost or corrupted files.

These are the most important new features:

• Button Sub-Object – Ability to place buttons on a Slide to collect a mouse/joystick/touch response
• Slide Choice and Slider Sub-Objects to support multiple survey question types
• Slide Layout Templates – Templates of arrangement of Sub-Objects on a Slide
• Interactive List – Ability to select which List row (e.g., Block or Trial) to run at run time or for debugging purposes
• Quick Start – Ability to start an experiment from any List Object in the experiment structure for debugging purposes
• Windowed Mode – Ability to run an experiment in a floating window for debugging purposes
• Property Find and Replace – Ability to find/replace Object properties in an experiment
• Auto-generate text data files with columns of interest
• Subroutines in Task Events – Ability to create conditional Task Events using subroutines
• FFmpeg – Provides improved audio/video playback and load time
• Run time support for tablet and touchscreens
• New Task Events
• Bug Fixes
• Improved user interface
• Online Documentation
• Improved Getting Started Guide
• E-Prime Command Reference

Feature overview

Experiment Presentation

Support for tablets and touchscreens*
Run desired List rows at runtime with Interactive order selection*
Improved Audio/Video playback and load times*
Run an experiment in a floating window with Windowed Mode*
Start an experiment from any List object*
Display images in .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, gif, .png, .tif, .tiff, .emf, .wmf formats
Play movies in .avi, .divx, .m1v, .mkv, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .wmv formats*
Play multiple movies simultaneously on critical timing trials
Play audio files in .wav, .mp3, .wma formats*
Play audio files longer than 100 seconds
Present non-English stimuli using UNICODE-based fonts
Use multiple monitor displays
Select a monitor on which to display the entire experiment
Select a monitor on which to display each Toolbox or Canvas object
Record subject vocalizations using the SoundIn object
Record subject vocalizations 10 seconds or longer

User Support

Access web support, free minor updates, and service packs for 3 years
Access online resources including Knowledge Base, Experiment Library, Samples, Tutorials, How To Videos, and User Forum*
Access the E-Prime Command Reference and online documentation*

Experiment Design

SlideButton sub-object for an area of response collection without using script*
SlideChoice sub-object to design multiple choice surveys, recognitions, recalls*
SlideSlider sub-object to design scales and sliders*
Slide Layout Templates for quick design*
Experiment design templates*
Run an experiment in floating window for quicker debugging*
Interactively run List rows for debugging purposes*
Access Full and User Script in the Structure window*
Improved interface with tabbed workspace and easier access to windows*
Find and replace properties in an experiment*
Create conditional Task Events using subroutines in User Script*
Automatically generate text data files upon completion of experiment*
Save a definition of columns of interest in E-DataAid*
Correct, Incorrect, Omission Task Events*
Check for Update checks web and prompts when updates are available*
Select from a dropdown of choices (ScriptSense™) for property, method, and data types after typing a period “.” in an InLine object or user script (similar to IntelliSense™ in Microsoft environments). Updated in E-Prime 3.0 with new properties and methods.*
View Property Tooltips when hovering over items in Structure view
Add Certified package files (from PST and industrial partners) to an experiment
Add user-authored package files to an experiment
Specify settings (e.g. screen resolution, subject number) in .startupInfo file using the StartupInfo editor to allow for dynamic processing of experiment, without the need to regenerate or edit experiment file.
Select from a dropdown of choices for attributes (AttribSense™) after opening a square bracket “[” in a TextDisplay or SlideText or using c.GetAttrib in an InLine object (similar to IntelliSense™ in Microsoft environments)
Specify properties to be based on a scheme value (e.g. all TextDisplay and SlideText objects should use Arial font)
Search and replace properties on objects with one value for another (e.g. change all BackColor values to black)
Access the Experiment Design Advisor to assist with common design errors
Ability to change background color/customize startup info screen
Load and transfer external values into experiment via StartupInfo
Create user PackageFiles using the PackageFile editor
Name and Tag properties on all E-Object property pages
Ability to copy/paste Objects in E-Studio
Ability to copy or clone SlideStates
Current line bookmarked for compile and runtime errors
Ability to use Shift+Delete to remove Objects from Structure
Ability to specify location path for data file
Double click E-Run files to start automatically
E-Merge can filter by file extension
Multiple experiments can be open at same time
E-Studio makes backup copy of experiment file

Interfacing with External Devices

Use script device to execute script in a Task Event*
Use serial port device in an experiment
Use multiple serial port devices per experiment
Use parallel port device in an experiment
Use multiple parallel port devices per experiment
Communicate with a network socket device (Ethernet)
Use multiple network socket devices per experiment
Communicate with a joystick device using X/Y coordinates and 4 response buttons
Use multiple joystick devices per experiment with input mask ability, X/Y coordinates, 8 response buttons, 2 slider controls, and 2 point-of-view controls
Specify a device to use at Onset/Offset time of an object and specify the duration (in milliseconds) of a corresponding signal pulse

Installation Options

Connect one hardware key to a network to allow the specified number of seats to simultaneously access E-Studio (Network License)
Configure and push out E-Prime installations using .msi file and msiexec
Configure installation settings such as Check for Update prompts and silent registration/setup
Use network management applications such as SMS and GPO
Subject station installation option
Supports MSIEXEC /qn and /qb silent installation options
Version 3.0 can exist on same machine as versions 2.0 and 1.x
* New or updated in E-Prime 3.0



心理与行为实验 E-Prime 1.0非试用版/2.0试用版/3.0试用版见下列链接:

E-Prime 3.0试用版下载:http://pstnet.com/downloads/eval/84tU6/EP33.0.3.9.exe
E-Prime 2.0试用版下载:http://e-prime.software.informer.com/download/?ca1cb40

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文章名称:《心理与行为实验 E-Prime 1.0正式版+2.0试用版+E-Prime试用版》


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